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Meet our Students: Rindra

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

We want to introduce to you one of our students from Indonesia, Christiani Rindra. She is 21 years old, and is studying at our Mission Training Center and Theological Seminary. She is growing in her faith, understanding her purpose in life and learning sustainable agriculture as a tool to reach unreached people in Indonesia.

Hello, my name is Christiani Gulo, you can call me Rindra. I am 21 years old, part of the first batch of students at the Mission Training Center and also a participant of the training program in Sustainable Agriculture.

What I have learned from our agricultural program at the MTC is that agriculture has existed since the beginning of human history.

To this earth, God has provided the way for prosperity and life to Adam and Eve through agriculture as written in Genesis 1:28.

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Genesis 1.28

Agriculture includes food crops, livestock and fisheries. Agriculture is one of the ways that we can implement a land management system, utilizing a rotation of the planting season as an effort to increase the level of natural soil fertility. Cultivating the soil in a healthy way. For the good development of the crop, it is important to have a good selection of seeds. There are techniques for grafting plants to get good seeds.

“Sustainable agriculture leads to the economic development of the community and provides a way of freedom and independence from the shackles of poverty”.

Before humans fell into sin, everything was fine and the soil was still fertile, but after sin, the land became cursed by God because humans disobeyed God's commands. This is why human beings are struggling to meet their needs to survive and now have to work to obtain their provision from the ground.

I believe that sustainable agriculture is so important because it leads to the economic development of the community and provides a way of freedom and independence from the shackles of poverty.

Teaching agriculture development is one of the platforms for reaching out to those communities who rely heavily on agriculture for their main income and subsistence in life. That is why we are learning about theology but at the same time about sustainable agriculture here. Through this platform, we can teach effective techniques to improve food production, increasing families' income, and also, this is a great opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Our 80+ students are sponsored by people like you, who want to invest in the expansion of the Kingdom of God and believe that raising strong leaders will bring transformation to their communities. Here at World Nations International we want to develop indigenous leaders that will be effective in communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and also will serve with a profession in their communities. The Sustainable Agriculture program is part of our Mission Training Center that is equipping young leaders to change the reality where they live.

Would consider partnering with us by donating monthly to this initiative? Every penny helps.

$ 30/ month - you will help pay the tuition and provide the books/school supplies for one student

$ 35/ month - You will help pay for the student dorm, utilities and meals

$ 65/ month - You pay for the student total cost of living at the Theological Seminary/ MTC.

To donate, please click in the link below:

Click in Wonderful Indonesia / Sumatra Project.



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