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Journey to the Unknown

The Heart Behind Pioneering a Work


When we, as World Nations, first started asking God what His dreams are for our organization, we were given some directions about the work we should do: strategic visions and goals we should pursue - pioneering work.

One of our dreams, as the World Nations team, is to have 5 bases with 5 ongoing projects in the next 5 years. We dream of having a movement of inter-connected offices that will encourage, train and deploy professionals, with God’s mission in their hearts, to the most unevangelized, poor, neglected and abandoned places on Earth.

This has been in our hearts this whole year. And since then, we've

struggled with the "Hows" and "Whens" and costs, not knowing how God was going to bring this to fruition. Through much prayer, we asked the Author of the plan, for answers.

In January, we opened our second office: in Austria. Next year we will have one in Southeast Asia, one in South America and one in the Middle East.

When we look back and see all that the Lord has done, we stand amazed. Every time we open a new project, establish a new partnership, we have to turn to our pioneering mindset. Stepping out of our comfort zones and trusting God, strengthens our abilities to deal with uncertainties and expands our faith. This is hard, because the feeling of not being in control brings lots of anxiety; especially in ministry.

Many people turn to earthly things to hold on and keep on moving. We shouldn't be looking for motivation besides the love and hope we have in Him, because all other motivations will fade away, mainly in times of struggle. We have to fix our eyes on things from above, the eternal things.

Looking for feelings or for what is seen, when it comes to pioneering work in missions, will soon show you the lack of fulfillment. Our feelings are fickle. We have to, intentionally, make our life’s purpose to get to know Jesus, get anchored in His word, fall in love with Him every day and then we will be willing to make Him known in areas, places and countries we won't ever want to go on vacation to. But the real Love makes us want to go and make disciples of all nations: even the most remote and unevangelized areas and islands on Earth.

Experiencing the love of Christ requires one to be bold to follow God's calling for pioneering, and to have the courage to fight against the tentacles of our comfort zone. When we follow Him, He will give us zeal, true zeal to push one to the next level, without giving up faith and kindness.

There is no other way, the only way is through faith in Jesus and trusting that God is faithful and is fighting for our dreams to come true.

When we fix our eyes on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith (Heb.12:2), He makes all things possible. Believe us, there's nothing compared to the amazement and reward that is to go and lay down your life for the Gospel.



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